Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Who, What, Where, When & Why?

Today I've been thinking back to my middle school years. And BLUCKY comes to mind! Yes, that's the word that describes how I feel about that 3 year span of my life. It's Blucky. Not a lot of good times to be had during those days. Hated myself, hated where I was at, hated a lot of the people around me, hated the fact that I didn't have much to like.

My family barely squeaked by financially. We ate a lot of things that Mom could "stretch" to feed a family of 5. We were on the verge of losing our electricity and telephone a few times. We had--I swear--the ugliest car in town. Our house wasn't very attractive...and it lacked the "beauty" of material things inside. It was cluttered and had the funky style of the 1970's in every corner. was full of something that now as an adult I can appreciate: LOVE. Our house was full of love and understanding. No, it wasn't perfect...but darn near.

And now as I drive through town and see the kids of today...I stop and think: "Where are your parents? Do they know where you are? Do they know who you are with? Do they know what you are doing? Do they know why? Do they know when you will be home? Do they even care?"

I quietly answer my own questions for each given moment based on my observations. At times this leads me to ponder what each child's home situation might be like right now. If I ponder too long it will just lead me down a road of I detour and move on to something else. Regardless, my heart still goes out to them. And it's after moments like these that I can recall the amount of love that awaited me everyday at Mom & Dad's house. My parents knew who, what, where, when & why. If they didn't---there was a consequence for not informing them. The penalty wasn't severe--it was the fact that we had let them down that really got to us kids.

My family:Mom, Dad, sister, brother, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and cousins were the silver lining during my dark teenage times. It wasn't what I had--or didn't have for that matter--that made me who I am today. It was how I felt. It was--and still is--the love that held me close which sustained me. I felt loved. Even when I didn't have any love for myself it was alive in our home and in our family. We were cloaked in love. Love never fails...people fail to love.

This is to all of the kids/teens out there that wander aimlessly through their lives with the desire to be loved. Do you know where you are? Do you know why you are there? Do you really know who you are with? Do you know what you are doing? Do you know when you will be home? Do you know that someone cares about you?

Ok, time to step down from this soap's creaking from my weight anyhow. Just a request to whomever reads this post. Please don't be afraid to step up--if you feel compelled--and remind the young people of today that there is hope yet.'s better to be lost with a map than to have none at all. At least this way you'll have something to read for reference later. (Allow yourself to be someone's map once in a while. :)

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