Thursday, May 15, 2008

A lot to time to say it

Crud monkey! (That is a "swear word" that I coined a while back--to help me NOT say what I actually wanted to say.) Ever done that? You should give it a's fun to see what the first words are that come out of your mouth while trying to censor yourself. Yeah, I know it's a free country and that we can say whatever words we want...but sometimes it's not a matter of what we say...rather how we say them that result in displaying what's really on our minds at the moment. So....that's how crud monkey came to be. (That --and the fact that I was around a whole class of 5th graders. Yes, sometimes "censoring" oneself can actually lead to a twisted form of creativity. *And an added bonus to this would be that only a handful of people would understand what in the hell your new word represented. Give it a try...I fricknfrackn' dare ya!

Happy day to you...remember that even a bad day is better than not having one at all.

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